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United Nations Building

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New York City is home to the world's largest international governmental organization, the United Nations. The United Nations building was donated by John D. Rockefeller in 1946. The building is designed with three connecting buildings; the Dag Hammarskjold Library, the glass-walled Secretariat tower and the low-slung General Assembly buildings which dominate the site.

The property is considered international territory. A magnificent bronze sculpture is dedicated to the memory of Dag Hammarskjold, the only Secretary General killed in office. He died on a peace mission to the Congo in 1961. Colorful flags of 188 countries fly along First Avenue and present one of New York's best photo opportunities.

Tours include visits to the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Economic and Social Council, where you might actually observe a meeting. Along with exhibits on peacekeeping operations, decolonization and disarmament, you'll also see a wonderful art collection of tapestries, murals, mosaics and sculptures from member states. The visit ends with a visit to the famous General Assembly Hall.

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